Spring Water

Water is the origin of life, the most essential element without which life is impossible. Being one of the four elements, it is considered to be a symbol of purity in all cultures. Water plays an important role in Armenian fairy tales and myths as well. The main heroes of the Armenian epic were born from water. They built their city near the source of water, they found their legendary horses “Tur Ketsakin” and “Kurkik Jalalis» from the bottom of the water. And it isn't coincidence that all our heroes received strength and power by drinking water from Katnaghbyur. Only 3% of the world's vast water resources are suitable for drinking and 1.1% of it is available to people. When a person's body loses 2% of water, he becomes thirsty. For normal functioning, a person needs 2 liters of water daily, but depending on the features of organism, the amount of water should be determined with the help of a physician.Several specialists and tourists consider Armenian water is one of the best and most delicious waters in the world. Our water supply sources located in the high mountains and distinguished by its high quality features."ANI PRODUCT" presents the highly demanded pure water of Armenia's cold springs in the local and foreign markets under the trademark "Kum-kum" and "Vivian"