Curd is an extremely useful dairy product that’s why doctors recommend eating as much curd as possible. It contains calcium and phosphorus, which help to improve teeth, bone tissue, hair, nails and nervous system. Contemporary nutritionists advise to consume from 100 to 150 grams of curd daily, which helps to improve metabolism, prevent obesity and boost the immune system. Depending on the way of preparation, curd can contain from 0.5 to 18 percent fat. By the way, fats increase the absorption of calcium in the body.
Curd 7%, 0,5%
Nutritional value per 100g
● fats՝ 7,0%
● proteins՝ 16%
● carbohydrates՝ 2,0%
● calories՝ 135kcal/560kJ
Net weight՝ 200g ± 3%
Ingredients։ pure cow milk, skim milk, curd leaven (lactococcal mixture).